
The Hope Inc. winter track meet begins at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 13.

Anyone interested in new music and the visual arts, including abstract film and time-lapse photography, might be particularly interested in the electroacoustic performance.

The new drumline practices once a week, and Concordia students of all ability levels are invited to try out.

Jake Michel ‘23 and Sumitra Rai ‘24 receive the fall 2023 DAISY Awards

NPR featured Dr. Kirsten Theye in a report examining the use of inflammatory political language.

Students chose leadership approaches for dealing with AI, COVID-19, post-college financial planning, and housing in professional settings.

President Irvine joined the presidents of neighboring M State and MSUM to talk about higher ed challenges.


Kari Lucin

Media Relations Specialist Communications and Marketing