
Each year, thousands of people support The Cobber Fund with gifts of all sizes. This special community of givers provides the financial resources, experiences, and trusted relationships students need to thrive at Concordia and beyond.  Every community needs leaders who make success possible. Will you be a leader for The Cobber Fund?  Through your generosity, you will make a substantial difference in the lives of students.

We are pleased to honor our most generous Cobber Fund donors as automatic members of our Leadership Circle. Donors can renew their membership annually, supporting students each and every year. As a member, you will receive special updates, opportunities, and invitations to celebrate generosity and learn more about your impact. Thank you for you joining the Leadership Circle!

*Platinum Level Cobber Fund Leadership Circle Donors ($5,000+) have the opportunity to support a single student with an Impact (formerly Legacy) Scholarship named in honor of themselves or a loved one. To learn more or establish a new scholarship, complete this form and we will connect with you.

Impact Scholarship Form

Leadership Circle members give $1,000 or more annually to support students. Gifts of all sizes make a difference and can be made .

We are grateful for your leadership and generosity!

"The guidance, preparation, and acceptance I received from Concordia would not be possible without donations from alumni and friends like you. Thank you for believing in the mission of the college and, in turn, believing in me."
Gunnar Fering '23

Emily Lunak

Associate Director of Annual Giving Advancement