Katelin Krueger on stairs in ISC

Katelin Krueger ’20, River Falls, Wisconsin
Major/Minor: Exercise Science (pre-chiropractic); Psychology

What made Concordia your first choice?

Concordia was always at the top of my list. I knew I wanted to go into chiropractic and the curriculum at Concordia seemed to fit me best. I had looked into other schools, but Concordia just felt right. From the minute I stepped onto campus for my visit, I felt at home. Along with that, I was also given the opportunity to continue my golf career. I am able to continue to do what I love on the course and push myself academically.

What has made Concordia feel like home?

The people. Everyone is very welcoming and friendly. It doesn’t matter if it is faculty or other students, there are always people on campus willing to stop and talk for a few minutes. Having a community that is so willing to accept individuals creates a real feeling of belonging.

I have also been able to be involved in the community on- and off-campus. I was fortunate enough to do a May Seminar in Greece for my religion course. I found that to be the most transformative thing I’ve been involved in at Concordia. Becoming immersed in a different culture helped me realize that there are many ways to become responsibly engaged in the world around you.

What are you involved in at Concordia?

I have been a part of the for four years. I was fortunate enough to have been placed in the captain role for the last two years. And as a captain, I was also selected to be part of our Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC). Being a part of SAAC since my sophomore year helped me to branch out into the campus community as well as the Fargo-Moorhead community. It has taught me how to become more engaged in the world around me through volunteering. I have also worked in Dining Services since my freshman year.

Katelin Krueger studying by window

Why did you choose to study exercise science and psychology?

I originally started as a biology major but soon realized that exercise science was a better fit for me. I’ve always had a fascination with the human body and how it reacts in different situations. Studying exercise science has given me a deeper understanding of these concepts. Through the variety of courses, I’ve had the ability to work with all ages in creating a healthier lifestyle with fitness, nutrition, and mental health. All of these are extremely important for me to carry into chiropractic as I will be working with a variety of people all dealing with their own struggles through life. Psychology has also helped me to understand why and how the brain functions with certain stimuli. Psychology and exercise science seemed to go hand in hand when it came to concepts. They both address coping mechanisms, mental health, and life-altering changes from two different aspects, which I found intriguing.

What are your plans for after Concordia?

I will be attending Logan University in Chesterfield, Missouri. There, I will continue my education and pursue a career in chiropractic.

What three words would you use to describe your Concordia experience?

Exciting, eye-opening, and fun

Published January 2020