We Have New Royalty

Seniors Corinne Burrell and Andrew Johnson were elected Homecoming King and Queen by the student body to reign over Homecoming 2017. Andrew is from Foxhome, Minn., and is the son of Brett and Rachel Johnson. Corinne is from Moorhead and is the daughter of Terry and Ann Burrell.

We Have Some Amazing Tunes

From Bruno Mars to Bon Jovi, we’ve got it on our 2017 Homecoming Spotify playlist. If you’re looking for music to run the 5K or sit around and reminisce, it’s all there. You can check it out on Spotify.

And So Much More 

Everybody loves a parade – and we have one at 11 a.m. Saturday on 8th Street. But there are many other events you may like. So check out the schedule and find your niche – a concert, football game, theatre performance, science center dedication and department open houses.

Have a fabulous Homecoming where “All Rows Lead Home.”

