
Letter from the Dean


The School of Arts and Sciences invites students of all backgrounds to a transformational learning experience steeped in the liberal arts. We are the foundation for effective communication, critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to work collaboratively. An education grounded in the arts and sciences is essential for any career — ranging from education, law, health, or business to communication, performing arts, engineering, or computer science. As the largest and most diverse school at Concordia, the School of Arts and Sciences prepares students for specific professions and instills a lifelong love of learning — the skills necessary to adapt to an ever-changing work environment.

Whether you know your interests or are still exploring, the School of Arts and Sciences will help you discover your passions and talents and challenge you to explore curricular and extracurricular opportunities on as well as off campus. You may want to study abroad in Thailand or France, work on an environmental project in Costa Rica, participate in cutting-edge research at Mayo Clinic, or perform physics experiments on campus. A vibrant theatre program and a renowned music program are among the many on-campus opportunities we offer to provide every student with a rich array of immersive experiences.

A plethora of opportunities awaits you in the School of Arts and Sciences. It is time to discover your potential and begin your journey of lifelong learning at Concordia. Let’s roll, Cobbs!  

Sonja Wentling, Ph.D.
Professor of History and Global Studies
Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences