Students majoring in political science may apply for a program of academic inquiry that potentially leads to earning departmental honors status.
To qualify, political science majors hoping to graduate with honors will:
Application materials must be submitted to the chair of the political science department no later than Feb. 15 of a student’s junior year. Application materials must include:
Students with an academic offense (e.g., violation of the college’s academic integrity policy) will not be eligible to graduate with honors in political science.
Upon completion of the supervised honors project, honors applicants will present and defend their project to a panel of department faculty members and interested students. The department faculty will determine whether a student’s honors project warrants the awarding of honors status.
Each year the political science department awards two political science majors with the Noblitt Scholarship. Named in honor of Dr. Harding Noblitt, founder of Concordia’s political science department, the scholarship offers political science faculty an opportunity to recognize outstanding student achievement in the field of political science.
The national political science honor society seeks to promote excellence in the study of political science through a variety of programs for student members and local chapters. The political science department accepts applications to join Pi Sigma Alpha on an annual basis.
Membership Requirements:
Those admitted pay a one-time membership fee and receive a lifetime membership, a pin, and an honors cord to be worn during graduation.