Jobs in these types of fields require the analytical skills and communication abilities that our political science courses offer to our students. While a major in political science is not required for any of these career paths, an undergraduate degree in political science provides excellent preparation for any employment. Here are a few career opportunities for students majoring in political science:
Undergraduate political science education offers a solid preparation for careers or graduate programs in business development, financial consulting, or public finance. Students who have focused on area studies and international relations may find opportunities in international business or trade.
Undergraduate studies in any area of political science can be useful for a career in public administration. Knowledge of the political process, strong writing skills, and familiarity with research methods are all useful preparation for these careers. While many careers in public service require only a bachelor's degree, graduate programs in public administration, public policy, and international affairs provide specialized training for positions in a variety of government and public service careers.
If you are thinking about a career in public service, consider nonprofits, foundations, or nongovernmental organizations. These organizations operate at the local, national, and international policy level, working on virtually all issue areas all over the globe. The missions of these organizations range from local neighborhood housing to state environmental policy to global human rights.
If you are interested in a career in journalism or media, political science training can give you the analytical background you need. Typically political science courses place heavy emphasis on developing strong and clear writing and speaking skills, which are beneficial for positions in print or broadcast journalism, publishing, social media, communications, and public relations.
If you are interested in teaching and research, an undergraduate education in political science provides you with a strong foundation to further your education at the graduate school level. With a doctorate in political science, you can work at colleges and universities and split your time between teaching, research, and service-orientated duties such as a committee or advising students.
It is never too early to contact the Concordia Career Center to determine how to identify and prepare yourself to apply for jobs that interest you.